Content from Medical Anthropology Quarterly


Training Dogs to Feel Good: Embodying Well‐being in Multispecies Relations

Natalie Porter

March 1, 2019


The Morality of Disordered Eating and Recovery in Southern Italy

Ann M. Cheney, Kathleen Grubbs, and Steve Sullivan

September 1, 2018


Pregnant Metaphors and Surrogate Meanings: Bringing the Ethnography of Pregnancy and Surrogacy into Conversation in Israel and Beyond

Elly Teman and Tsipy Ivry

June 1, 2018


“You Can Learn Merely by Listening to the Way a Patient Walks through the Door”: The Transmission of Sensory Medical Knowledge

Gili Hammer

March 1, 2018


Publically Misfitting: Extreme Weight and the Everyday Production and Reinforcement of Felt Stigma

Alexandra Brewis, Amber Wutich, Sarah Trainer, and SeungYong Han

June 1, 2017


Embodying Transition in Later Life: “Having a Fall” as an Uncertain Status Passage for Elderly Women in Southeast London

Miriam Boyles

June 1, 2017