Content from Medical Anthropology Quarterly


Training Dogs to Feel Good: Embodying Well‐being in Multispecies Relations

Natalie Porter

March 1, 2019


Entanglements in Health and Well‐being: Working with Model Organisms in Biomedicine and Bioscience

Carrie Friese and Joanna Latimer

March 1, 2019


Care as an Alternative to Euthanasia? Reconceptualizing Veterinary Palliative and End‐of‐life Care

Alexander Badman‐King and Samantha Hurn

March 1, 2019


Holobionts, Multispecies Ecologies, and the Biopolitics of Care: Emerging Landscapes of Praxis in a Medical Anthropology of the Anthropocene

Agustin Fuentes

March 1, 2019


Interspecies Engagement in Medical Anthropology

Lesley A. Sharp

March 1, 2019