Content from Medical Anthropology Quarterly


“Find that Balance:” The Impact of Cultural Consonance and Dissonance on Mental Health among Utah and Mormon Women

Elizabeth Bingham Thomas, Erica Hawvermale, Essa Temple, and H. J. François Dengah

September 1, 2019


Protestant Techniques of Care: The Hindu, the Pentecost, and the “Secular”

Ian Whitmarsh

June 1, 2019


Thrifting for More: Savings and Aspirations in Health Care Sharing Ministries after the Affordable Care Act

Carolyn Schwarz

June 1, 2019


Embedded Narratives: Metabolic Disorders and Pentecostal Conversion in Samoa

Jessica Hardin

March 1, 2018


Guadalupan Devotion as a Moderator of Psychosocial Stress among Mexican Immigrants in the Rural Southern United States

Jason A. DeCaro and Mary Rebecca Read-Wahidi

December 1, 2017