Issue 2 | Medical anthropology weekly: COVID-19

May 5 – May 12

“Medical anthropology weekly: COVID-19” is a weekly compilation of COVID-19-related materials across text, audio, and video formats focused on medical anthropology and neighboring disciplines. The project is a collaboration between Society for Medical AnthropologyMedical Anthropology Quarterly, and Somatosphere. Each is cross-posted on all three websites and distributed over multiple channels.

For this issue, we’ve included a few key earlier pieces which were left out of our first issue.

If you’d like to suggest a piece to be listed in an upcoming issue, please add it to this public spreadsheet. Please email your questions to



The social and human sciences and the pandemic

Politics of life and death

Patient experiences, vulnerabilities, and mental health

Public health and governance

Caregivers and healthcare workers

Structural violence, racism, inequality, and incarceration

Outbreak narratives, xenophobia and disease stigma

Information, communication, and affect

Sociality and solidarity

Migration, labor, and precarity

Everyday life under quarantine and after

Learning from history

Environment and the Anthropocene

Teaching and learning