Content from Medical Anthropology Quarterly


Declaración de la Sociedad de Antropología Médica sobre el fallo de la Suprema Corte en el caso Dobbs contra Jackson Women’s Health Organization

Claire L. Wendland, Elyse O. Singer, Joanna Mishtal, and Mara Buchbinder

March 14, 2023


Pharmaceutical Creep: U.S. Military Power and the Global and Transnational Mobility of Psychopharmaceuticals

Jocelyn Lim Chua

March 1, 2020


Corporate Logic in Clinical Care: The Case of Diabetes Management

Anna C. Martinez‐Hume, Funmi Odumosu, Hannah S. Bell, Heather A. Howard, and Linda M. Hunt

December 1, 2019


Liminal Living: Everyday Injury, Disability, and Instability among Migrant Mexican Women in Maryland's Seafood Industry

Thurka Sangaramoorthy

December 1, 2019


“Find that Balance:” The Impact of Cultural Consonance and Dissonance on Mental Health among Utah and Mormon Women

Elizabeth Bingham Thomas, Erica Hawvermale, Essa Temple, and H. J. François Dengah

September 1, 2019


Caring for “Super‐utilizers”: Neoliberal Social Assistance in the Safety‐net

Christoph Hanssmann, Irene Yen, Janet K. Shim, Mark D. Fleming, Meredith Natta, and Nancy J. Burke

June 1, 2019


A Capable Surgeon and a Willing Electrologist: Challenges to the Expansion of Transgender Surgical Care in the United States

Eric Plemons

June 1, 2019


Thrifting for More: Savings and Aspirations in Health Care Sharing Ministries after the Affordable Care Act

Carolyn Schwarz

June 1, 2019


Administrative (in)Visibility of Patient Structural Vulnerability and the Hierarchy of Moral Distress among Health Care Staff

Julie S. Armin

June 1, 2019


On Being (Not) Old: Agency, Self‐care, and Life‐course Aspirations in the United States

Sarah Lamb

June 1, 2019

Content from Critical Care


Running Late for Normality at Six Months Old

Xisai Song

July 1, 2024


The Trans Body Is A Valuable Resource

Eric Plemons

June 7, 2021