MAQ > Forums > Topic: Microbiome
Holobionts, Multispecies Ecologies, and the Biopolitics of Care: Emerging Landscapes of Praxis in a Medical Anthropology of the Anthropocene
Agustin Fuentes
March 1, 2019
Interspecies Engagement in Medical Anthropology
Lesley A. Sharp
Normal, Regular, and Standard: Scaling the Body through Fecal Microbial Transplants
Matthew J. Wolf-Meyer
September 1, 2017
Forum Review
Multitudes without Politics
June 10, 2017
Why Liberals Love the Microbiome
Jamie Lorimer
Can Microbes Give Gifts?
Alex Nading
Writing the Microbiome
Amber Benezra
Radiating Microbes and Fuzzy Anthropologies
Erin Koch
June 7, 2017
The Trans Body Is A Valuable Resource
Eric Plemons
June 7, 2021